
  • Dodik - Yunarwanto Mahasiswa Program Magister Manajemen, PPSUB
  • Agung - Yuniarinto Dosen Jurusan Manajemen, FE Unibraw
  • Muslich - Mustajab Dosen Jurusan SOSEK, FP Unibraw




Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui posisi persaingan operator telepon seluler prabayar merek Merek I, Merek II, Merek III, Merek IV serta Merek V berdasarkan persepsi konsumen dan pengaruh posisi persaingannya terhadap jumlah pelanggan di kota Malang. Metode analisa Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) digunakan untuk menganalisis data penelitian.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan posisi masing-masing operator telepon seluler prabayar  berdasarkan persepsi konsumen. Dengan alat analisis Cluster hasil penelitian yang diperoleh terbentuk tiga kelompok atau segmen yaitu kelompok pertama ditempati Merek I, Merek II dan Merek III; kelompok ke dua ditempati Merek V;  dan kelompok ke tiga Merek IV tujuan pengelompokan ini mengetahui jarak terdekat persaingan antar operator ponsel prabayar. Merek II merupakan pesaing dekat Merek I dan Merek III sedangkan Merek V merupakan pesaing terdekat Merek IV. Selanjutnya dengan alat analisa Atribut Vektor dapat diketahui keunggulan atribut masing-masing operator ponsel prabayar Merek I disukai konsumen karena atribut produk dan personal traits, Merek II disukai konsumen karena atribut distribusi, Merek III disukai konsumen karena atribut proses, Merek V disukai konsumen karena atribut promosi sedangkan Merek IV disukai konsumen karena atribut harga. Setelah diketahui keunggulan atribut masing-masing operator dengan menggunakan alat analisa Regresi dapat diketahui pengaruh posisi persaingan terhadap jumlah pelanggan secara keseluruhan dari enam atribut, hanya atribut promosi yang paling signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berlangganan. Hasil tiap kelompok atau segmennya. Segmen pertama atribut promosi yang paling signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berlangganan. Segmen kedua atribut harga dan personal traits yang paling signifikan berpengaruh terhadap jumlah pelanggan. Segmen ketiga, atribut harga yang paling signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berlangganan.


Kata kunci :  persepsi, posisi, segmen, atribut, personal  traits, distribusi, promosi




The aim of this research is to discover the operator competition position mobile phone prepayment such as Merk I, Merk II, Merk III, Merk IV and Merk V based on the consumers perception and the influence of emulation position to a mount of customer’s in Malang.

By using MDS analyze, the result is there are differences position of each operator prepayment based on consumers perception. By using cluster analyze, the result is 3 groups or segmentation that the first group are Merek I, Merek II and Merek III, the second is Merk V and the third is Merk IV The aim of this segmentation is to know the closet competition between mobile phone prepayment operator. Merk II is the close competitor of Merk I and Merk III , while Merk V is the close competitor of Merk IV. By the means of  sector attribute sector analyzer, we are able to discover can get the advantage of every prepayment cell phone (mobile phone) operator’s attribute. Merk I is chosen because of product attribute and personal traits, Merk II is chosen because of it’s distribution attribute, Merk III because of it’s process attribute, Merk V because of commercial attribute, while Merk IV because of the price. As we know the advantage of every operator, using the means of regression analysis we can see the influence of a competitor’s position to the while customer’s number from the 6 attribute, only commercial attribute had the most significant influence to the customer’s decision, the result from every group or segment. First segment commercial attribute that had the most influence to the customer’s decision, second segment is price attribute and personal traits, third is price attribute  that had significant influence to customer’s decision.


Keywords :  perception, position, segmentation, attribute, personal traits, distribution, promotion.



